GLNS Foundation
GLNS Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
GLNS Foundation, the charity arm of Ghana Link Network Services Limited has the key aim of supporting workable initiatives that will drive social change in society, improving the life of community members while solving pressing social needs.
The Foundation is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) management structure with all related initiatives across its operations. The foundation we believe can help address some of the country’s compelling humanitarian needs and improve living conditions in its operational areas.
About GNLS Foundation
Ghana Link plays a significant role in the communities in which we operate. As a world class business, integral to the supply chain of our customers, we act with integrity in the development of solutions for our customers and partners, leveraging the talent of our employees to contribute to a sustainable future.
Our objective is to integrate responsible business practices into our daily activities, growing our business in a sustainable manner and maintaining our commitment to corporate responsibility. We work with our customers, suppliers and communities to identify sustainability challenges and develop partnership opportunities.
Our vision is to empower and give access to tools and facilities that support sustainable social change.